Thursday, January 10, 2013

LVHTRy Laundry List

      So here we are, 10 days into 2013. Most people whom have made their New Year's resolutions have already broken them, so I, knowing myself ALL to well, made none as usual. But what I DID do last December right after the November Shakedown, was to draw up a list of "to dos" before the next Shakedown session in February. In fact, I even went and put MORE pressue on myself to get things done, but scheduling TWO Shakedowns for February. So I guess you can say I made a "Shameful Goal" list, because if I don't get at least 1/2 to 3/4 of the list done by the February Shakedown session, I'll not only be ashamed of myself, but my friends will CERTAINLY heap shame upon me for slacking off!

      And by calling them "goals" and not "resolutions" or "promises", there is not only (in my mind at least) more of a drive to attack them and check them off the list, thus giving myself a feeling of acomplishment towards, gee, a GOAL, and also, if I don't get every little last one finished in time, there is not stigmata of shame, real or imagined - After all, we all have other more important things to do in life than work on our trains! (wait, we do?!?) And also key is that there is no order to it - If something next on the list would take too long to finish on any given day, then skip around and find something that CAN be done in the allotted time.
      So without any further ado, here are my 2012-2013 list of goals -

LVHTRy “To Do” List
*to do before February session

*Fishing extending staging yard tracks (both levels)

*Install 3 more re re-railing ramps in staging (1 NDR, 2 ML)

Re-level Nat. Docks Branch piers

*Install 2 feeder drops on CNJ staging track and solder all other rail joints on track

ü *Fix 2 Blue Points at Edgewater Br. End of West yard

Install 2 new Blue Points at NJ Millwork and Warren Plumbing

*Fix couplers on 4 LV engines, check VO-1000 coupler height

 Build and install at least 3 DCC signal snubbers
 (Washington St., west staging & Edgewater Br.)

Extend Milk siding(s) and move Blue Points acordingly

ü   Fix fascia around JP Dale Coal

 Equip CNJ RS-1 with Tsunami decoder

ü   *Buy 8 mini-clipboards for CNJ industries (@ AC Moore)

ü   *Buy 5 more wood bill boxes for car tags/bills (@ AC Moore)

ü   *Install new throttle pockets
*Tighten up selected (or glue) Blue Point actuator pulls (JP Dale, CNJ, Grand Street in particular)

ü   Fix backdrop on Grand St./Jersey Ave. corner

*Wire CNJ Yard into power bus

ü   Install extra car holding shelves on bookcase at west staging yard

      OK, OK, so I haven't made THAT big of a dent in it yet, but I'm trying! Not only did I make this list, but I still had more I wanted to get done, but it was stuff that wasn't a priority, so I made an addendum list-

LVHTRy Work List Addendum (non critical)
*as of 12-6-12 

Paint upper valence doors

Paint fascia

Hang more black drapes below fascia 

Paint “lift steps” for yards

Ballast track

Hang proper signage for track/industry locations on fascia and on bill boxes

Build buildings or mock-ups

Rebuild DCC system
Install computer for smart phone wireless throttle app

Finish off Yardmaster and Accurail cars for fleet

Separate, store, and label cars in staging by type and region
      As you can see, I have my work cut out for me. I have a very big out of town contingent due to arrive in April, so I do need to get cracking. Luckily, they are mostly simple things, but some are semi-time consuming (unless I set up a bunch of fans to help the paint dry quicker!), and then even some are not "visably gratifying", like wiring.

     So my point with this blog post is that I suggest everyone make a list (or two, or three) to help get things done around your layout. Not only does it motivate, but it helps you remember things, too. I posted three sets of these lists all around the layout so I had NO excuse to forget that I didn't see said list! Also, I have a penchant for forgetting I need to do certain things, so as I think about them, I add them to the list (I specifically left extra blank line to write in those ideas). I'll report back in a month and we'll see what I did (or didn't!) get done since this post!


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